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Can a photo-opp be too perfect?

 In 1968 they made a movie, The Manchurian Candidate , today it's real. 


The San Diego Media Justice Society (SDMJS.org) is a non-profit community education organization dedicated to protecting the Free Speech Rights of the people of San Diego County. 

Our Mission: To speak the truth. To tell the untold stories. To shine a light where the corporate broadcast media fear to tread.

Our Purpose: To guarantee that the citizens of San Diego always have access to broadcast media and can express themselves in their local public square.

Our Values:
  • Compassion - to speak for those who can not speak for themselves.
  • Courage - expose the stories that the corporate media can not or will not cover.
  • Vigilance - to monitor the broadcast media, and provide uncensored access to the facts when they will not.

Our Goal: to provide a low cost, professional, alternative to corporate owned broadcast media, so that everyone has freedom of speech.

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