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Bezos BANS Anti-Oligarch Dissent At WAPO


The San Diego Media Justice Society is a not-for-profit organization designed to fund citizen access to the broadcast media. We accept grants and donations from people and groups concerned about journalistic integrity in the corporate media/ We use these funds to train citizen journalists via the production, distribution and publication of audio-visual media. If you would like to join our cause, please become a member.

There are two forms of SDMJS membership:
1) INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP $25/year - (Just $12 if you volunteer at one of our production events)

Individual Membership

2) ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP $125/year - your GROUP, CLUB, OR ASSOCIATION underwrites one 15-minute segment of SAN DIEGO SPEAKS, and you get to pick the ISSUE OR SUBJECT (i.e. guests).

Organization Membership

The San Diego Media Justice Society believes in the "Fourth Estate".
We need donations of equipment and funding to train YOU to use it.
If you have any old audio/video equipment, extra computers or software, and you want to help, contact: info@sdmjs.org

Please make a donation today to help us build a foundation for tomorrow's broadcast communication in San Diego County.

Members will have the exclusive right to comment on our web-site, rate our content, and provide direction to our cause:

[Please NOTE: PayPal requires 3%+$0.30/charge, so if you would prefer to pay with a check, or if you plan to make a large payment, please use; P.O. Box 91062, San Diego, CA 92169. Thanks.]

If you have any questions please contact us:
Email - info@sdmjs.org
Phone - (619) 573-9560

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