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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Media Orphans

What the Hell Happened to Keith Olbermann?
From Alternet.org

The troubling message to progressives is that they remain essentially orphans when it comes to having their political interests addressed by any corporate news outlet. While the Right has built its own vast media infrastructure – reaching from newspapers, magazines and books to radio, TV and the Internet – the Left generally has treated media as a low priority.

Though some on the Left saw hope in the MSNBC evening line-up, the larger reality was that even inside the world of NBC News, the other content ranged from the pro-Establishment centrism of anchor Brian Williams to the center-right views of MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough to CNBC’s mix of free-market extremism and corporate boosterism.

MSNBC's parent company, General Electric, never seemed comfortable with some of Olbermann's material. Strange that when MSNBC is sold to Comcast, Olbermann goes the way of Phil Donahew and Bill Moyers. It seems that when you become too successful, the corporate media kills you.

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