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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The antidote to apathy

This TED Talk by Dave Meslin exposes seven parts of the the Social Matrix that create barriers to active participation, and challenges us to dismantle these barriers.
  • City Hall - Intentional Exclusion via Communications

  • Public Space - Price tag for freedom of expression, no unprofitable speech

  • Media - Distraction and Diversion, Discourages Engagement via neglect

  • Heroes - Chosen Heroes, voluntary, inglorious, collective, imperfect, uninvited

  • Political Parties - Uninspiring, uncreative, regurgitating, uncreative, exclusive

  • Charitable Status - no advocacy, no politics

  • Elections - Votes don't count

If people are selfish, stupid, and lazy, then there is no hope. Perhaps if we dismantle these obstacles; create transparency, open public dialog, re-imagine media, expect everyone to be heroic, create inclusive political parties, redefine charities, and reform elections; perhaps then people will be more selfless, intelligent, and engaged.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

National Conference for Media Reform 2011

Please check out the NCMR 2011, and prepare for the future of Media in San Diego. You can watch the live feed here...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Primary Dealer Credit Facility

The Primary Dealer Credit Facility - according to CNN Money and ProPublica, the total extent of this UNDISCLOSED Federal Reserve 'Emergency' (no-interest) Loan program between May 2008 & 2009, was $9-Trillion, and although $7-trillion of the PRINCIPAL has been 'repaid', this represents an increase in the money supply of ~$90-T. Meaning the US$ is worth 1/3 less today than in '08. Has your salary, home equity, or the value of investments risen by 33% in the last three years? If so, you are a winner of this game. Also, the Banks gave bonuses as a result of this 'increase' in capital and lend the money to corporations at interest, creating debt of nothing, and that expense is passed on to the consumer as a cost of business. If they had failed to pay back these 'loans' the US Taxpayer would have been responsible, via an increase in US National Debt. (so much for pocket change of the $700-B TARP, and $800-B 'Stimulus') http://money.cnn.com/2010/12/01/news/economy/fed_reserve_data_release/index.htm http://projects.propublica.org/tables/treasury-facilities-loans