Wednesday, April 10, 2013

San Diego cop fears camera is weapon

At what point do we stop suppressing truth and force all police to wear recording devises all the time? Video Cameras are only dangerous to those who have something to hide.

Photography Is Not A Crime (PINAC) published a video of San Diego Police Officer, M. Reinhold, of the Western Division, 5215 Gaines Street, San Diego, CA 92110, Phone: (619) 692-4800

This is a direct result of the leadership of 


A citizen who is dissatisfied with police services or believes they have witnessed or been a victim of police misconduct can file a complaint using one or more of the following methods:
  • By telephone to the San Diego Police Department Communications Division at (619) 531-2000. A supervisor will be dispatched to contact the reporting citizen as soon as possible.
  • In person at any police facility.
  • By telephone or in writing to the Chief of Police:
    1401 Broadway, MS 700, San Diego, CA 92101
    (619) 531-2777
  • By telephone or in writing to the Internal Affairs Unit:
    1401 Broadway, MS 709, San Diego CA 92101
    (619) 531-2801
  • To the Office of the Mayor, City of San Diego, 202 C Street, San Diego CA 92010
  • In person, by telephone or by writing to the Citizen's Review Board on Police Practices:
    202 C Street, MS 9A, San Diego CA 92101
    (619) 236-6296
  • By the Chief's Confidential Telephone Recorded Hotline at (619) 531-2672.

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