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Monday, January 27, 2014

INewsSource.org gets serious about exposing the tools to expose political corruption

In this GREAT report from "INewsSource.org" they tell us just how to research a news report and find out who is responsible for corrupting our democracy.

From the above FBI complaint identify the Foreign National, the PAC and the Candidate.:
  1. Around May 2012, Ernesto Encinas and the unnamed “Foreign National” created a PAC (Political Action Committee). 2. Encinas invested $3,000 into this PAC and the Foreign National invested $100,000 “through a United States-based shell corporation. 3. ”This PAC spent $114,000 in favor of “Candidate 1, a candidate for the office of mayor of San Diego during the 2012 primary election cycle. 4. "Between May 20 and May 31, 2012, the PAC spent approximately $86,000 on mailers and related services. 
Use: City Clerk’s website, Wysk.comthe Sunlight Foundation’s Influence Explorer, an online tool for tracking money in politics.

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