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Bezos BANS Anti-Oligarch Dissent At WAPO

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

VOSD plea for donations

Last week was tough for the journalism world. Layoffs all over the place – from New Jersey to Los Angeles. News about revenue to the news industry tanking.

The fact is, advertisers are not going to display ads next to news stories in the future – at least not like they used to. Even as the economy recovers and tech companies explode, newspapers continue to collapse.

San Diego is not immune. The U-T recently laid off more employees like Padres writer Bill Center, who now works for the team he once covered. Doug Manchester is rumored to be selling the paper, though his business partner insists they want to buy more.

In this mess, this “scruffy insurgency” as the New York Times once called Voice of San Diego, continues to advance.

We can only do this if people decide it’s worth paying for.

Whether it’s $5 or $5,000, chip in, if you feel that this service, this education service, this auditing service, this public service merits your support.

We are not here to transfer information from one person to another. We’re here to help you understand your community so you can make it better. We’re here to warn you of problems so you can help solve them.

Join our scruffy insurgency by becoming a member of Voice of San Diego today. If you're already a member, please consider donating again.


Scott Lewis

CEO, Voice of San Diego

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