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Sunday, June 22, 2014

This can't be happening ...

Department of Homeland Security Brands ThisCantBeHappening! a ‘Threat’

 An inside look at a monitoring room in Philadelphia's Delaware Valley Fusion Center, which opened last yearMonitoring Philadelphia (and maybe ThisCantBeHappening?): An inside peek at a surveillance room in the new Delaware Valley Fusion Center, which opened in south Philadelphia last year at a cost of some $20 million
For more information about the mass of documents obtained about the Fusion Centers and their central role in the crackdown on Occupy -- which turns out to have been the central activity and preoccupation of the Fusion Centers during late 2011 and early 2012 -- listen to the June 5 podcast of this interview by Dave Lindorff of PCJ executive director Maya Verheyden-Hilliard from our radio program, “ThisCantBeHappening!”, which airs every Wednesday at 5 pm Eastern on the Progressive Radio Network (PRN.fm). PCJ obtained thousands of pages documenting the DHS’s and the Fusion Centers’ obsession with Occupy through extensive aggressive use of federal, state and local Freedom of Information inquiries. The results can be found at Partnership for Civil Justice.
A PLEA: Help ThisCantBeHappening! continue to pose a “threat” to the looming police state of America
ThisCantBeHappening! is a collective run by a group of seven professional journalists and writers, none of whom receives a salary. In order for us to do this journalistic important work, we depend, with the exception of a tiny bit of ad revenue, upon donations from our readers. Unfortunately, far too many of you are reading ThisCantBeHappening! without providing that critical support. We ask only that each of our tens of thousands of readers send us at least $5 per year. If you all did that, we’d be able to devote serious time to our work here, rather than having to do it out of our back pockets while trying to make a living doing other things. Please donate whatever you can afford (see the Paypal button at the top of the page, or send us cash or a check made out to Dave Lindorff/TCBH! at POB 846, Ambler, PA 19002.

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