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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

MoveON.org's new American Dream Campaign

The Project to Rebuild the American Dream is a prime example of democratic media used to "Crowd-Source" ideas and develop a consensus. Catalyzed by Van Jones, the Green Jobs Guru who was fired by the Obama Administration for speaking out, the new MoveOn.org campaign to reinvent the American Dream is designed as a 'contract' (i.e. Social Contract, mirroring the replublican 'Contract on America' of the 1990's). This contract has been limited to the ten most popular ideas crowd-sourced from a few hundred-thousand members. Read More ...
  • 1. In­vest in Amer­ica’s In­fra­struc­ture.
  • 2. Cre­ate 21st-Cen­tury En­ergy Jobs.
  • 3. In­vest in Pub­lic Ed­u­ca­tion.
  • 4. Offer Medicare for All.
  • 5. Make Work Pay.
  • 6. Se­cure So­cial Se­cu­rity.
  • 7. Re­turn to Fairer Tax Rates.
  • 8. Tax Wall Street Spec­u­la­tion.
  • 9. End the Wars and In­vest at Home.
  • 10. Re­store Our Democ­racy.
We need clean, fair elec­tions - where no one's right to vote can be taken away, and where money doesn’t buy you your own mem­ber of Con­gress. We must ban anony­mous po­lit­i­cal in­flu­ence, slam shut the lob­by­ists’ re­volv­ing door in D.C. and pub­licly fi­nance elec­tions. Im­mi­grants who want to join in our democ­racy de­serve a clear path to cit­i­zen­ship. And we must stop giv­ing cor­po­ra­tions the rights of peo­ple when it comes to our elec­tions and en­sure our Ju­di­ciary’s re­spect for the Con­sti­tu­tion. To­gether, we will re­claim our democ­racy to get our coun­try back on track.

To join the movement ... 

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