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Bezos BANS Anti-Oligarch Dissent At WAPO

Friday, April 9, 2010


The internet can be a great leveler, making information available to the common man on the street, but even so there is a price to pay. We can't know what is true until we test it. Wikileaks.org is changing the game.
Powerful forces have come after the site, but without much luck. In 2008, after WikiLeaks posted documents alleging money laundering at the Swiss bank Julius Baer, the firm unsuccessfully tried to shut down its California servers. When the site posted a secret list of websites blacklisted by the German government, including several child pornography sites, the student who ran the German WikiLeaks site was arrested for disseminating kiddie porn. Even the hyper-litigious Church of Scientology has failed to get its materials removed from the site.

If you know something that others should know, keep WikiLeaks.org on speed-dial.

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